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Why is heat treatment necessary for machining?

I. Why metal heat treatment Speaking of metal heat treatment, you can’t get around iron, which is the most abundant metal on our planet and the most widely used metal. Pure iron refers to the carbon content of less than 0.02% iron metal, is a flexible and ductile silver-white metal, has a good magnetic conductivity, mainly used in the system of generators and motors iron core. Steel is the general name of iron-carbon alloy, the carbon mass percentage is between 0.02% and 2.11%, we usually use the iron metal workpiece, almost all are steel. The carbon content higher than

2.11% is called pig iron, it is brittle and hard, poor processing performance, is to weigh the weighing weight is mostly made of pig iron. Without heat treatment of iron, steel and pig iron strength, stiffness and surface hardness, corrosion resistance and other properties, are difficult to meet the different needs of our real life. So, people racked their brains and kept exploring, and in addition to the reasonable choice of materials and various forming processes, there was heat treatment. Therefore, heat treatment is to make the metal workpiece with the required mechanical properties, physical properties and chemical properties, is an effective means to improve the performance of metal workpiece



II. What is metal heat treatment


And what is heat treatment?

Metal heat treatment is a process of heating a metal or alloy workpiece in a certain medium to a suitable temperature and keeping it in this temperature for a certain time, and then cooling it in a different medium at different speeds, so as to change the microstructure of the surface or inside of the metal material to control its properties.


Post time: Jul-22-2022